s0ngs for My s0ul

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Exactly 2 years and 3 days ago, I had started my career as an engineer at production field. Started to work I tot everything is going to be awesome. Indeed it was awesome..! First awesome thing that i had experienced was to working under my Boss. Had been scolded for few times till i got cried, had been blurred when he threw some funny questions, could not understand the instructions had been given by him as he speaks with that funny language. There are one point in my life where, when i woke up at the morning, I would think twice (should I go to work today, what I am going to answer my boss when he ask me about those tasks, or should I just apply a leave or a MC today) before really going to take my shower. On that stage of life, every morning, when my car approaching the main gate, I will get nervous because deep inside me, I know that today is going to be another 'hell day' for me. But on that stage of life, My shelter, my great wall of China, my savior was God alone and today still He is. 

Second, awesomeness for being an engineer was to deal with those stubborn technician. I once taught before start working that, my technician will listen to me. They will do as I say, but a taught just a taught. Things become more complicated than I taught. They hardly listened to me as I am a girl and 10 to 15 years younger than them. There was a day when I had been pressured from my boss and my downline had been pushing me away and my task could not be completed. I was crying and asking God...REALLY??

After been years of struggling, crying, blurring around, nervous, scared, had been scolding, and I was praying to God, that let me endure this stage of my life till its really done. Because I know this could happen for a reason. He wants to mold me, He want me to be patient, to humble myself and to accept other people weaknesses and also to respect my leaders even with their weaknesses. I was praying to God that let me struggling to the maximum, and let me crying till my eyes swollen if that is going to be the lesson that I should learn for this stage of life but let me learn to overcome one struggle at a time. Let me pass this session of life and win this with the great victorious. To walking through that stage with knowing that God will not going to make me struggle more than I could bare and upon that time I come to know that I am actually really strong, as strong as iron or more than that. 

Today, I could enjoy the breeze, the blossom of flowers, sitting on the bunch smiles and enjoying this session, while thinking about those passed stage of my life. I could not be here today if yesterday were not taught me to stand firm. Thank you for being a faithful Father to me God. Waiting for tomorrow and let Today be the foundation of Tomorrow.