believe what u see is not called faith...but believe something u could not see and you know and believe its real and will happen on your future..yeah its call "Faith"
People says "be faithful and your life will be fruitfull..." yeah thats the fact of faithful in whatever we do and we will see something incredible happening in our life. I've seen it through my life...and the feeling is wow...imagine we just need a cup cake but He give a wedding cake (lol) yeah thats the feeling like.
Even we were experienced the feeling for being faithful, even we've seen the fruit of being faithful but we still able to be forgetting it.. especially when people in trouble or big problem (yeah we just a human) and one of human being is they forget how great their God but they always think how big is the problem that their facing on a certain time . Funny right? but thats the fact like it or not as a human we have to admit it. Thats is one of our fondness behavior. ( am i right? ask ourself)
It's okay if we as human forget about how to be faithful sometimes but, once we realize that we have a great God that always standing at our back as a supporter, and be on our side as a friend, we have to turn and start being faithful again. We fall, We hurt, We cry but He don't really care about that but what is the Desire of Him is to see how we get up, how do we rise and how rebuild ourselves...God Bless and happy weekend