s0ngs for My s0ul

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Seorang Teman Y_Y

Mungkin kita sering kali lupa, tugas seorang sahabat itu adalah membangunkan teman-teman mereka yang tertidur atau dengan kata lain teman-teman yang terjatuh.

dan itu yang berlaku pada diri saya sejak akhir-akhir ini. Saya melihat seorang teman saya jatuh, saya melihat dia bergelut, tapi apa yang saya lakukan..bukan membangunkan dia, tetapi turut sama menjatuhkan dia..menyisihkan dia dari hidup saya, sebabnya saya tidak mau terjatuh dalam masalah.
Tapi secara tidak langsung, sebenarnya masalah itu telah timbul sejak saya meletkan dia di pinggir hidup saya.

Dan bila saya membuka mata pada pagi ini..ada satu remah yang menegur.. dan itu yang diperkatakan.
Seringkali kita terlupa, seringkali kita lalai, tetapi Dia tidak melihat itu semua, sebab apa yang dia lihat itu bukan apa yang sudah berlaku ,melainkan apa yang akan dilakukan atau tindakan yang akan kita ambil selepas sedar akan kesilapan kita.

Kasihnya melebihi segalanya
dan tugas kita sebagai anak-anakNya adalah
menyatakan dan menyalurkan "kasih" yang telah mengalir dalam hidup kita

KasihMu Yesus, indah bagiku
KasihMu Yesus melebihi segalanya
Tak dapat ku balas dengan kebaikanku
Selain hidup ku s’rahkan padaMu

Pakailah aku Tuhan seturut kehendakMu
Jadikan ku berharga di mataMu Yesus
Menyatakan kasihMu pada semua orang
KasihMu Yesus mengubah hidupku (dunia)

(tidak dapat cari dia punya video so i just post the lyric of the song that had been made me woke up from the sleep)

Thank God for your beautiful works in my life

Monday, November 22, 2010

One of my testimony, one i always seen, one is always makes me growing in lord is..

He never left me alone
As i walking alone here, study here, far from my family, far from anybody that i know, He send me a lot of friends either the people doesn't know God, and specially people that knows God. He not even just send me a lot of friends, but He also prepared me a "big family" here. So when i week, when need somebody to share my problems with, when i need friends to making my days wonderful.. They are always here.
Even my classmate, they are always the blessed for me, making my days stressful, making my days wonderful, making myself fizzy, and making me always talking.
When my pocket money finish...God is always use a person to send a meal for me!

God is always here for us...

everything that we do lets do according to His will,
everything that we need lets come to His feet and ask from Him

Friday, November 12, 2010

No one will understand our problems accept..

Last of my friends shared about his burned to me, and for the first time i felt so down heard that. I never feel or in his situation now..but i know it's too heavy for him, especially when we come from "poor" background ( that's what he said, but for me..).

I learnt something from him..
1. We will easily show our weaknesses (without knowing that) when we are facing a problem. It doesn't matter how strong your appearance, how holy the words came out from your mouth and how matured you are. Maybe people can acting as cool as they are..but the truth will come out when someone facing a big problem! And we can see what is actually the colour of that person

2. Don't allow the situation makes us fall or down. Just flow with it with faith, be faithful in what ever that you do..everything happen in your life is happen with a purpose, and our job is to flow with the flows that God created to us...and believe that is the best for us. our thinking as a human can't interpret God's plain..He is the only one who knows His own plan for us. Learnt to be thankful, learnt to be faithful in whatever situation you are facing..

3. Put your burden to God..and carry his
one of my commits..she always says, God is waiting till we are truly surrender and come to Him put our knees in front of Him..and say "God your are in charge"
Than God will do something "wow". What is impossible to man is possible to Him.
and i know she is right..cause i always experience the same thing. He always ask for our humble heart.

it's good to be a good listener, but after that we will facing some risk...
what i should say to encourage that person?
what should i do to help that person?
am I a good friend to that person?
Am I do my responsibility as a friend to that person?
What that i learnt from this?

As we know..No one can understand our problems, but to shear it is the best way to reduce the burden on our shoulders.
and inviting God to in charge our life is the best way to solve it!
Our Father in Heaven will never left us to walk alone
and it doesn't mean He will never let us facing a problem at all
but He will be right beside us..hold us, and walk with we will experience God's work in our life, and we will know how great our God!

Yahweh! He will be forever Yahweh!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

In you heart

In a ball room there is dancing

In a forest there are trees

In a child there's a hope

That keeps him in belief

With any star there is a sky

With any beach there's a sea

With any love song there's a lover

And in your heart I hope its...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

See Her Smile

I just saw this picture in my brother's facebook..and suddenly i feel like i'm indeed miss my little sister..look the way her smile! God she is the bless in our family! our little damsel ^_^ The only one..and will forever be the little one!

This photo about 3 months ago..when she was went here (peninsular of M'sia) for some official stuff.
I miss my brother's been a long time never talk to him. I know he is okay! God is working on his life now coz i can see that..He will be the one who will be the second father for us.Good luck for that Arnun! i know the strengthness, the blesses, the wisdom they are come from God..So i pray that u will put God first in whatever u doing in ur life...maybe not tomorrow, but i am very sure the holy spirit is working to change ur life now! Amen~

hurrmmm miss my parents..miss them a lot! and for sure..i want to go back now..but God is not allowing yet..i will be patient for that!